AaDO2 | 肺胞動脈血酸素分圧較差 | Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient |
ABPA | アレルギー性気管支肺アスペルギルス症 | Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis |
ACE | アンギオテンシン変換酵素 | Angiotensin converting enzyme |
AEP | 急性好酸球性肺炎 | Acute eosinophilic pneumonia |
AHI | 無呼吸低呼吸指数 | Apnea-hypopnea index |
AIA | アスピリン(誘発)喘息 | Aspirin induced asthma |
AIP | 急性間質性肺炎 | Acute interstitial pneumonia |
AMV | 補助換気 | Assisted mandatory ventilation |
ARDS | 急性呼吸窮迫症候群 | Acute respiratory distress syndrome |
ARF | 急性呼吸不全 | Acute respiratory failure |
BA | 気管支喘息 | Bronchial asthma |
BAE | 気管支動脈塞栓術 | Bronchial artery embolization |
BAG | 気管支動脈造影 | Bronchial arteriography |
BAL | 気管支肺胞洗浄 | Bronchoalveolar lavage |
BALF | 気管支肺胞洗浄液 | Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid |
BE | 気管支拡張症 | Bronchiectasis |
BHL | 両側肺門部リンパ節腫瘍 | Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy |
BOOP | 特発性器質化肺炎 | bronchiolitis obliterates organizing pneumonia |
CaO2 | 動脈血酸素含有量 | Arterial oxygen content |
CEP | 慢性好酸球肺炎 | Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia |
CMV | 調節換気 | Controlled mandatory ventilation |
CMV | サイトメガロウイルス | Cytomegalovirus |
COPD | 慢性閉塞性肺疾患 | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPAP | 持続陽圧呼吸療法 | Continuous positive airway pressure |
CTEPH | 慢性血栓塞栓症肺高血圧 | Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension |
CTR | 心胸比 | Cardiothoracic ratio |
DIC | 播種性血管内凝固症候群 | Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
DIP | 剥離性間質性肺炎 | Desquamative interstitial pneumonia |
DLco | 一酸化炭素拡散能 | Diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide |
DLST | 薬物リンパ球刺激試験 | Drug lymphocyte stimulation test |
DOT | 直接服薬確認療法 | Directly observed treatment |
DOTS | 直接服薬確認療法短期化学療法 | Directly observed treatment, short course |
DPB | びまん性汎細気管支炎 | Diffuse panbronchiolitis |
DPI | ドライパウダー吸入器 | Dry powder inhaler |
DVT | 深部静脈血栓症 | Deep vein thrombosis |
EBUS-TBNA | 超音波気管支鏡ガイド下生検 | Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration |
EGPA | 好酸球性多発血管炎性肉芽種症 | Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis |
FDG | フルオロ-2-でオキシグルコース | 18F-fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose |
FEV1 | 1秒量 | Forced expiratory volume in one second |
FEV1% | 1秒率 | Forced expiratory volume % in one second |
FEV1/FVC | 1秒率 | Forced expiratory volume in one second / Forced vital capacity |
Fio2 | 吸入気酸素濃度 | Fraction of inspired oxygen |
FVC | 努力肺活量 | Forced vital capacity |
HOT | 在宅酸素療法 | Home oxygen therapy |
IGRA | インターフェロン-γ遊離試験 | Interferon gamma release assay |
IPF | 特発性肺線維症 | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
LAA | 低吸収領域 | Low attenuation area |
LIP | リンパ球性間質性肺炎 | Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia |
LTBI | 潜在性結核感染症 | Latent tuberculosis infection |
MERS | 中東呼吸器症候群 | Middle East respiratory syndrome |
NHCAP | 医療・介護関連肺炎 | Nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia |
NPPV | 非侵襲的陽圧換気 | Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation |
NSAID | 非ステロイド性抗炎症薬 | Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
NSIP | 非特異性間質性肺炎 | Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia |
OSAS | 閉塞型睡眠時無呼吸症候群 | Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome |
PaCO2 | 動脈血二酸化炭素分圧 | Partial pressure of carbon dioxide |
PaO2 | 動脈血酸素分圧 | Partial pressure of oxygen |
PCR | ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応法 | Polymerase chain reaction |
PCV | プレッシャーコントロール | Pressure controlled ventilation |
PE | 肺気腫 | Pulmonary emphysema |
PEEP | 呼気終末陽圧換気 | Positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEFR | ピークフロー | Peak expiratory flow rate |
PET | 陽電子放射断層撮影 | Positron emission tomography |
PH | 肺高血圧症 | Pulmonary hypertension |
PIE | 好酸球性肺疾患 | Pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia |
pMDI | 加圧式定量噴霧器 | Pressurized metered-dose inhaler |
PPD | ツベルクリン | Purified protein derivative |
PSV | プレッシャサポート | Pressure support ventilation |
PTE | 肺血栓塞栓症 | Pulmonary thromboembolism |
QFT | クォンティフェロン-TB | quantiFERON-TB |
RB-ILD | 呼吸際気管支炎関連性間質性肺疾患 | Respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease |
SaO2 | 動脈血酸素飽和度 | Arterial oxygen saturation |
SARS | 重症急性呼吸器症候群 | Severe acute respiratory syndrome |
SAS | 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 | Sleep apnea syndrome |
SFT | 孤立性線維性腫瘍 | Solitary fibrous tumor |
SIMV | 同期型間欠的強制換気 | Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation |
SIRS | 全身性炎症反応症候群 | Systemic inflammatory response syndrome |
SpO2 | 動脈血酸素飽和度 | Percutaneous oxygen saturation |
SRT | 定位放射線照射 | Stereotactic radiotherapy |
SUV | FDGの集積値 | Standard uptake value |
TB | 結核 | Tuberculosis |
TBLB | 経気管支肺生検 | Trans bronchial lung biopsy |
TLC | 全肺気量 | Total lung capacity |
TV | 1回換気量 | Tidal volume |
VAP | 人工呼吸器関連肺炎 | Ventilator-associated pneumonia |
VC | 肺活量 | Vital capacity |